DataGenerator - Generate Intelligent and Realistic Test Data
December 18, 2015Features
- Generate intelligent test data based on property type and name
- Automatic discovery of data sources
- Fully customizable property data sources
- Realistic data sources
- Weighted value selection
- Easy fluent API
The DataGenerator library is available on via package name DataGenerator
To install DataGenerator, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package DataGenerator
Full class property configuration
Generator.Default.Configure(c => c
.Entity<User>(e =>
e.Property(p => p.FirstName).DataSource<FirstNameSource>();
e.Property(p => p.LastName).DataSource<LastNameSource>();
e.Property(p => p.Address1).DataSource<StreetSource>();
e.Property(p => p.City).DataSource<CitySource>();
e.Property(p => p.State).DataSource<StateSource>();
e.Property(p => p.Zip).DataSource<PostalCodeSource>();
e.Property(p => p.Note).DataSource<LoremIpsumSource>();
e.Property(p => p.Password).DataSource<PasswordSource>();
// array of values
e.Property(p => p.Status).DataSource(new[] { Status.New, Status.Verified });
// don't generate
e.Property(p => p.Budget).Ignore();
// static value
e.Property(p => p.IsActive).Value(true);
// delegate value
e.Property(p => p.Created).Value(() => DateTime.Now);
Example of configuration for generating child classes
Generator.Default.Configure(c => c
.Entity<Order>(e =>
// generate a User instance
e.Property(p => p.User).Single<User>();
// generate list of OrderLine items
e.Property(p => p.Items).List<OrderLine>(2);
.Entity<OrderLine>(e =>
e.Property(p => p.Quantity).IntegerSource(1, 10);
There are extension methods to configure properties as well
Generator.Default.Configure(c => c
.Entity<OrderLine>(e =>
// random number between 1 and 10
e.Property(p => p.Quantity).IntegerSource(1, 10);
// between 100 and 1,000
e.Property(p => p.UnitAmount).DecimalSource(100, 1000);
DataGenerator support class profiles to make configuration easier. To create a profile, inherit from the MappingProfile<T>
base class.
Sample Profile for the User class
public class UserProfile : MappingProfile<User>
public override void Configure()
Property(p => p.FirstName).DataSource<FirstNameSource>();
Property(p => p.LastName).DataSource<LastNameSource>();
Property(p => p.Address1).DataSource<StreetSource>();
Property(p => p.City).DataSource<CitySource>();
Property(p => p.State).DataSource<StateSource>();
Property(p => p.Zip).DataSource<PostalCodeSource>();
Property(p => p.Note).DataSource<LoremIpsumSource>();
Property(p => p.Password).DataSource<PasswordSource>();
// array of values
Property(p => p.Status).DataSource(new[] { Status.New, Status.Verified });
// don't generate
Property(p => p.Budget).Ignore();
// static value
Property(p => p.IsActive).Value(true);
// delegate value
Property(p => p.Created).Value(() => DateTime.UtcNow);
Register a profile in the configuration
Generator.Default.Configure(c => c
Generate test data
// generate a user
var instance = Generator.Default.Single<User>();
// generate 10 users
var users = Generator.Default.List<User>(10)
You can override the configuration
var instance = Generator.Default.Single<User>(c =>
// override note property with static value
c.Property(p => p.Note).Value("Testing static value");
Data Sources
Primitive Value Data Sources
BooleanSource - Random true or false
DateTimeSource - Random date plus or minus 10 years from now
DecimalSource - Random decimal between 0 and 1,000,000
FloatSource - Random float between 0 and 1,000,000
GuidSource - Random GUID value
IntegerSource - Random integer between 0 and 32,000
ListDataSource - Random value from the specified list
TimeSpanSource - Random TimeSpan between 0 sec and 1 day
ValueSource - Static value source
Smart Data Sources
CitySource - Random city name from a list of the largest US cities
CompanySource - Random company name from a list of fortune 500 companies
CreditCardSource - Random credit care number
EmailSource - Random email address using common domains
EnumSource - Random value from available enum values
FirstNameSource - Random first name from 100 common first names
IdentifierSource - Random identifier value
LastNameSource - Random last name from 100 common last names
LoremIpsumSource - Random lorem ipsum text
MoneySource - Random dollar amount between 0 and 10,000
NameSource - Random code name from various sources
PasswordSource - Random pronounceable password
PhoneSource - Random phone number in US format
PostalCodeSource - Random US zip code
SocialSecuritySource - Random US Social Security Number
StateSource - Random US State
StreetSource - Random US house number and street
WebsiteSource - Random website from top 100 list