FluentCommand - Fluent Wrapper for DbCommand
February 3, 2015Fluent Wrapper for DbCommand
The FluentCommand library is available on nuget.org via package name FluentCommand
To install FluentCommand, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package FluentCommand
- Fluent wrapper over DbConnection and DbCommand
- Callback for parameter return values
- Automatic handling of connection state
- Caching of results
- Automatic creating of entity from DataReader
- Create Dynamic objects from DataReader
- Handles multiple result sets
Query all users with email domain. Entity is automaticly created from DataReader.
string email = "%@battlestar.com";
string sql = "select * from [User] where EmailAddress like @EmailAddress";
List<User> users;
using (var session = new DataSession("Tracker").Log(Console.WriteLine))
users = session
.Parameter("@EmailAddress", email)
Execute a stored procedure with out parameters
Guid userId = Guid.Empty;
int errorCode = -1;
var username = "test." + DateTime.Now.Ticks;
var email = username + "@email.com";
int result;
using (var session = new DataSession("AspNet").Log(Console.WriteLine))
result = session.StoredProcedure("[dbo].[aspnet_Membership_CreateUser]")
.Parameter("@ApplicationName", "/")
.Parameter("@UserName", username)
.Parameter("@Password", "T@est" + DateTime.Now.Ticks)
.Parameter("@Email", email)
.Parameter("@PasswordSalt", "test salt")
.Parameter<string>("@PasswordQuestion", null)
.Parameter<string>("@PasswordAnswer", null)
.Parameter("@IsApproved", true)
.Parameter("@CurrentTimeUtc", DateTime.UtcNow)
.Parameter("@UniqueEmail", 1)
.Parameter("@PasswordFormat", 1)
.ParameterOut<Guid>("@UserId", p => userId = p)
.Return<int>(p => errorCode = p)
Query for user by email address. Also return Role and Status entities.
string email = "kara.thrace@battlestar.com";
string sql = "select * from [User] where EmailAddress = @EmailAddress; " +
"select * from [Status]; " +
"select * from [Priority]; ";
User user = null;
List<Status> status = null;
List<Priority> priorities = null;
using (var session = new DataSession("Tracker").Log(Console.WriteLine))
.Parameter("@EmailAddress", email)
.QueryMultiple(q =>
user = q.QuerySingle<User>();
status = q.Query<Status>().ToList();
priorities = q.Query<Priority>().ToList();