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KickStart uses a fluent configuration model. To start configuration, use the Kick.Start delegate.


This example will scan the assembly containing UserModule. Then it will find all Autofac modules and register them with Autofac. Then, all AutoMapper profiles will be registered with AutoMapper. Finally, it will find all classes that implement IStartupTask and run it.

Kick.Start(config => config


Output KickStart logs using the LogTo fluent configuration

Write all logs to Console

Kick.Start(config => config

Write all logs to NLog

public class Startup
    private static NLog.Logger _logger = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("Startup");

    public Startup(ITestOutputHelper output)
        Kick.Start(config => config

Write all logs to xUnit

public class UnitTest
    private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;

    public UnitTest(ITestOutputHelper output)
        _output = output;

    public void Configure()
        Kick.Start(config => config

Assembly Scanning

KickStart uses assembly scanning to look for a particular type when a startup task is run. The following examples are how to configure which assemblies to scan. If no assemblies are configured, the default behaviour is to scan all loaded assemblies.

Include Assembly containing particular type.

Kick.Start(config => config

Include the assemblies that contain the specified name.

Kick.Start(config => config

Exclude Assembly containing particular type.

Kick.Start(config => config

Exclude the assemblies that contain the specified name.

Kick.Start(config => config

Data Dictionary

Pass data to the startup modules

Kick.Start(config => config
    .Data("environment", "debug")
    .Data(d =>
        d["key"] = 123;
        d["server"] = "master";